Baking with Olive Oil: Your Essential Guide

Baking with olive oil can be tricky. Let’s go over the ground rules. Baking is temperamental and precise. I don’t enjoy the process; I find it tedious and restrictive. So many rules, less opportunity for customization. I know there are a lot of chefs/home cooks that would agree with me on that one! Customizing baking recipes is always a gamble– one small adjustment and the entire recipe is thrown off. It’s food science; One must understand the ingredients, their properties, and the role they play in the recipe before swapping out this for that. Let’s talk baking with olive oil! Here are the fundamentals: You can almost always swap oil for oil. Extra virgin olive oil is a fantastic heart-healthy alternative to vegetable or seed oil. Swapping EVOO for another oil will have no effect on the final texture of whatever dish you’re creating UNLESS the oil you intend to replace is Crisco or lard. Since they’re saturated fats and solid at room temperature, it’s not a good swap. Olive oil will perform differently due to density. Only use EVOO...

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Valentine Date Night Guide

  How to Host a Romantic Italian-Style Dinner The Pasolivo Valentine Date Night Guide There's no better to way to show affection than by cooking a meal for that special someone. Food is love, after all. Show your Valentine how much you care by putting together a beautifully romantic, thoughtful meal they'll never forget with a little bit of help from Pasolivo. Follow along to learn the ins and outs of hosting a formal, romantic dinner for your S.O. You'll be a pro by the end of this article!   Setting the scene Ambiance is everything. Creating the mood is the first and arguably most important part of hosting a dinner for your valentine. Here's some tips for establishing the Italian dinner party vibe:  No overhead lighting– stick to candles and lamps. You want to create a soft, ambient glow. These mini candles fit perfectly on the dinner table, and add a layer of warmth to the scene. Pull your best table cloth out of the linen closet– or how about one of these Parisian table runners as featured above? These are...

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